"Meditation means dissolving the invisible walls that unawareness has built." - Sadhguru
All month long you can enjoy on-demand meditations + pranayama practices with Brooke right here PLUS each Sunday from 1:15-1:45pm, a Group Silent Meditation. All meditation practices are free and everyone is welcome. No experience required.
Many of our weekly class during March will also include 5 minutes of meditation after Savasana. This brings you the opportunity to sit in the silent transition between your practice and the rest of your day; you will find a literal “pause for presence”.
Through meditation students are steeped in the immediate benefit their Yama (ethics), Niyama (self-discipline), asana (posture), and pranayama (breath) practices bring while elevating them to the “inner” limbs of the Ashtanga practice. These more inwardly focused limbs include: Pratyahara (sense withdrawal), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (Meditation), and Samadhi (Bliss). The state of Meditation we enter bridges the gap between individual and universal consciousness which is an indispensable skill we can each build.
If you have been interested in meditation and don’t quite know where to begin we will explore various styles like Vippassana, Guided, Metta, Quiet and Visualizations or Imagery to name a few. We hope this month provides you more opportunity for self-exploration and understanding.